For the review process please follow the instructions in the reviewer page. Please make sure you fill in the form at the 5th point in the list (by clicking on the blue bouble icon), choosing the Reccomandation for the editor (Acceptable/Minor revision/Major revision/Reject). After comming back from the form window you have to choose again the Reccomandation at the 7th point in the instructions list. These two operations are essential to sucessfully finish your review.
If you encounter difficulties during the review proces you can use the tutorial found here. This tutorial presents all the steps to perform a review on our site. If you still don't manage to solve the problems, using the information on this website, then contact us (click on the Contact link in the top menu).
If you forgot your password on this website you can use the Forgot password link below the login text boxes. In a new page you will be asked to fill in the email address that you used to register on the website. An email will be sent to this address. Check your Inbox (and also Spam/Junk folders) to find the email. In this email you have to click on a link to modify your password. A new window will appear, where you have to enter your username. If you forgot what your username was, if you look in the address bar (see the picture below), the link contains your username at the end of it (in this example is username2321, situated between resetPassword/ and the ? sign). Write your username and then the new password in the two textboxes provided for it. After confirming the operation you can log in with the new password.