How useful are ARFI elastography cut-off values proposed by meta-analysis for predicting the significant fibrosis and compensated liver cirrhosis?

Simona Bota, Ioan Sporea, Roxana Sirli, Alina Popescu, Oana Gradinaru-Tașcău


Aim: To evaluate how often do we “miss” chronic hepatitis C patients with at least significant fibrosis (F≥2) and those with compensated cirrhosis,  by using Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) elastography cut-off values proposed by meta-analysis. Material and methods: Our study included 132 patients with chronic hepatitis C, evaluated by means of ARFI and liver biopsy (LB), in the same session. Reliable measurements were defined as: median value of 10 liver stiffness (LS) measurements with a success rate≥60% and an interquartile range interval<30%. For predicting F≥2 and F=4 we used the LS cut-offs proposed in the last published meta-analysis: 1.35 m/s and 1.87 m/s, respectively. Results:  Reliable LS measurements by means of ARFI were obtained in 117 patients (87.9%). In our study, 58 patients (49.6%) had LS values <1.35 m/s; from these 75.8% had F≥2 in LB. From the 59 patients (50.4%) with LS values≥1.35 m/s, only 6.8% had F0 or F1 in LB.  Also, in our study, 88 patients (75.3%) had LS values <1.87 m/s; from these only 2.2 % had F4 in LB. From the 29 patients (24.7%) with LS values≥1.87 m/s, 41.3% had F4 in LB. Both for prediction of at least significant fibrosis and liver cirrhosis, higher aminotransferases levels were associated with wrongly classified patients, in univariate and multivariate analysis. Conclusions: ARFI elastography had a very good positive predictive value (93.2%) for predicting the presence of significant fibrosis and excellent negative predictive value (97.8%) for excluding the presence of compensated liver cirrhosis. 


liver fibrosis; liver stiffness; chronic hepatitis C; liver cirrhosis; ARFI elastography

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