Clinical, imaging and cystometric findings of voiding dysfunction in children

Gabriela Ichim, Otilia Fufezan, Mihaela Farcau, Carmen Asavoaie, Daniela Pop, Sorana Staticescu, Mircea Victor Nanulescu


The aim of the study was to validate some of the imaging criteria for voiding dysfunction in children. Material and methods: The study included a number of 55children with voiding dysfunction symptoms. They were investigated clinically as well as through imaging techniques: renourinary ultrasound, voiding cystourethrography and cystometry. Results: The most common symptoms were urgency (87.3%), increased frequency (81.8%), and daytime urinary incontinence (76.3%). Ultrasound scans detected a reduced bladder capacity in 65.5% patients. The voiding cystourethrography detected bladder trabeculations (58.2%) and spinning top urethra (63.6%). Cystometric recordings indicated overactive bladder in 70.9% patients. Reduced bladder capacity detected by ultrasound associated with trabeculated bladder and spinning top urethra detected by voiding cystourethrography in a patient with specific symptoms may suggest an overactive bladder. In conclusion, voiding dysfunction in child can be diagnosed by minimal or non-invasive methods.


spinning top urethra; voiding dysfunction; child; cystometry; ultrasound

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