Concepts in diagnosing, scoring, and monitoring tenosynovitis and other tendon abnormalities in patients with rheumatoid arthritis- the role of musculoskeletal ultrasound.

Mihaela C. Micu, Florian Berghea, Daniela Fodor


In the last years, important advancements have been made in implementing high resolution imaging related information inside the global management algorithm in RA patients. Musculoskeletal ultrasound has already proven its utility in visualizing directly the joint synovial tissue, the synovial vascularization and in monitoring the response to therapy. Recently, much attention has been given to the presence of tenosynovitis, as a constant, complementary but different facet of the inflammatory involvement in RA. Tenosynovitis identification in early RA stages may allow adequate treatment adjustment in early and established disease in order to prevent and/ or slow down the development of structural damage at tendon and joint level. 


tenosynovitis; ultrasound; rheumatoid arthritis

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